Matt Knigge

Living Homes Prices and Cost

Matt Knigge
Living Homes Prices and Cost

Our price and cost estimates for a prefab home from Living Homes range from $310 - $665+ per square foot. These estimates are all inclusive, meaning that the cost of the home, labor, shipping, and site work are included. This cost estimate is based on cost estimates from Living Homes with single-family homes ranging in cost from $533,800 - $1,250,000 and prefab ADUs from $298,000 - $412,000. The cost of land and any home upgrades are not included in this estimate. Below, you can find a table of our cost estimates for a finished home from Living Homes.

Model Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet All-in Cost Estimate (Not Including Land)
LightHouse LivingHome Series 1 1 480 $299,999
Sunset BUD LivingHome Series 1 1 620 $412,000
LivingHome 4 3 2.5 1,779 $616,700
LivingHome 5 3 2-2.5 1,550 $550,250
LivingHome 6 3 2.5 958 $298,000
LivingHome 7 4 2.5 2,230 $740,900
LivingHome 8 2-3 1-2 1,410 $437,240
LivingHome 9 3 2.5 1,795 $577,380
LivingHome 10 1 1 496 $203,600
LivingHome 11 3 3 1,800 $576,000
LivingHome 12 3 2 1,638 $589,680
Ray Kappe 1 5 3.5 3,100 $1,360,500
Ray Kappe 2 3 2 2,275 $1,033,250
Ray Kappe 3 4 3.5 3,135 $1,250,000
Koto LivingHome 1 2 1 1,148 $533,800
Koto LivingHome 2 4 3 2,184 $830,400
Yves Béhar 1 1 1 625 $411,875
KieranTimberlake 1 3 2.5 1,828 $634,840
KieranTimberlake 2 2 2 1,660 $579,660